The "Halo Effect", a product of the Halo Project, occurs when native species naturally spread from protected areas (like Rotokare, whose pest-free environment has boosted the numbers of native animals surrounding it), creating a 'halo' of greater biodiversity

Halo Project

With the completion of the pest-proof sanctuary fence and eradication of 12 mammalian pest species, trapping ensued around the outside of the fence, particularly around high-risk areas such as the gates and culverts. This endeavour has highlighted the abundance of pest animals routinely active within millimetres of the pest-free sanctuary environment.

The Halo Project concept was developed in 2011. Our first priority is to maintain the integrity of the sanctuary, and then the provision of sustainable protection for overflowing native wildlife through the eradication of pests in the adjoining land, coupled with the creation of ecological corridors to other protected areas.

A grant through the Community Environment Fund enabled the project to commence in 2015. By August of that year, new trap deployments had begun and a Halo Ranger was employed in January 2016 to manage the operational aspects of the project.

The Halo project currently encompasses 4500 hectares of land, working with 15 local landowners. 1100 pest devices are deployed including DOC200, DOC250, Goodnature A24, Goodnature A12, Trapinator, Steve Allen, Victor (mouse), Victor (rat), live capture cages, and Phil Proof bait stations.

4700 hectares

1100 traps & bait stations

27422 pests eradicated

Exciting times are ahead as the highly successful Halo project is under review, with a new strategy being developed. The team of staff, volunteers, and various stakeholders are working hard to develop a better strategy that will bring fresh energy and vision to the project. Through innovative ideas, creative thinking, and a passion for excellence, we are confident in our ability to create an exciting plan that will take us into the future in order to protect our native wildlife in the region.


Catch Breakdown

22988 Rats

1057 Mice

927 Hedgehogs

916 Possums

609 Rabbit

414 Feral cats

389 Stoats

111 Weasels

11 Ferrets

Trap Hardware

Goodnature A24 (Rat & Mouse)

Goodnature A12 (Possum)


Victor (Rat & Mouse)

Steve Allen

Live Capture

Phil Proof bait station (possum)


Target Species