Rotokare Scenic Reserve has been a place of recreation for a long time, many of the founding trust members are boaters themselves. Non-powered use of the lake is allowed year round and powered craft only between December - April. Lake access is dependent on weekly water testing.
Freedom camping is allowed at Rotokare Reserve with a maximum of three days per month per visitor. Camping is free of charge, we kindly request you remove all your rubbish. Take only photographs and leave only footprints. Donations are encouraged to help us keep the public facilities maintained and to continue our core conservation work.
Two walking tracks weave through the beautiful forest, lake edge, and ridgetop of Rotokare. The Lake Track follows the contours of Lake Rotokare, taking approximately 1.5 hours, considered at a difficulty rating of “easy”. The first 1km is wheelchair accessible. The Lake Ridge track is more challenging taking up to 4 hours but offers incredible views from the top of the ridges. Find out more about the tracks & walks here.

Motorised boats are permitted on the lake between the months of December to April only. This depends on the status of the boat ramp, which will only be open if water quality testing is within safe ranges. This testing is done weekly and the opening status may change from week to week. See above for the current water status or keep up to date on the testing results here.
Non-powered watercraft such as kayaks and paddle boards can be used all year round, granted that the water testing results are within safe range to swim.
This testing is done weekly and the opening status may change from week to week. See above for the current water status or keep up to date on the testing results here.
Sure! As long as the lake water testing is within safe ranges, full swimming access to the lake is safe.
Camping is restricted to the space in front of the car park/information centre which will be indicated by a freedom camping sign. Camping is NOT allowed by the volunteer car park (the first car park on entry) and this is also signposted.
Camping (freedom or self-contained) at Lake Rotokare is limited to three days per month per visitor. The South Taranaki District Council regularly checks campers for stay lengths and compliance.
This camping site is free. However, we do ask that you take care of the Reserve by not leaving anything behind and not taking anything with you. A donation box in front of the information shleter is available if you would like to contribute to the care and maintenance of the Reserve.