Episode 1: Meet Your Backyard Buddies
Episode 3: Mantis Fun Feature
Episode 5: Exploring at Night
Episode 7: Building Backyard Bird Habitat
Episode 4: Building a Bug Whare
Episode 6: Backyard Birds
Landcare Research New Zealand Garden Bird Guide
NZ Birds Online. Digital encyclopaedia of New Zealand bids, including images, calls, and everything else you need to know
Episode 8: Garden Gorgeous Geckos and Splendid Skinks
Look Out for Lizards in Taranaki (Lizard guide)
Attract lizards to your garden
New Zealand Lizard Societies: New Zealand Herpetological Society and SRARNZ (Herpetological research in New Zealand)
Episode 10: Become a Backyard Pest Detective
PredatorFree NZTowards Predator-free Taranaki. For Taranaki-related trapping advice; website lists suppliers of $10 rat trap packs
Pest Detective. How to identify droppings, footprints, and other clues.
Rotokare Eco-Creations: Tracking Tunnels DIY
Rotokare Tracking Tunnel Resource Book (footprint identification)
Landcare Research Chewcards: a guide to the interpretation of animal tooth impressions
Using Trap NZ
Episode 9: Identifying Backyard Plants
Episode 2: Backyard Bug Hunt
Rotokare Invertebrate Scoresheet
Landcare Research key for bug identification
Phil Bendle Collection for a look at the diversity of invertebrates found in Taranaki
For feedback from experts, upload your bug photos to iNaturalist NZ